It's going to be HOT, there's a STORM coming, the ditches are a bit wet, but...


Welcome to the brave and daring! Yes, we did launch on Saturday. We encountered one brief spritz of rain around 10AM, and around 11 spied a rather dark line of clouds approaching from the South, so decided to call it for the day.


The few who braved it got to launch as many rockets as they wished, as did I. We had a great time. The set up went quickly because we did a minimal set, because only Roger, Corey and I were there around 8:15.


So, the pads were mostly full and until the thunder warned us of the impending rain, launched 19 flights, lost no rockets and still had a decent impulse average for the day!


We are so pleased to have the couple of younger ones around to help push the button. We never get tired of watching you get excited!