Our Saturday launch was a great time...very warm, sunny but still very warm. The field was dry and we still had a great launch.


As always, your great help in the setup made it possible to be flying quickly after the safety briefing. Cory, thanks for stepping in to help with LCO work. It is a sacrifice but I greatly appreciate your part in helping so that I could also fly a couple of rockets. Thank you also with tear down--for those who finished up! You too can be trained to be Launch Control!


We were so pleased to have many new visiting and watching rocketeers. You did well! Those of you with your excited kids, we are SO glad you joined us.


Most of our flights ended well. Because of the light winds, we saw a few higher power and lightweight rockets than prior launches. Gary's "Door Knob" tried to became a tree ornament and got stuck high up. After launch three of us together pulled it down from about 40 feet. We were able to retrieve it with the pole fully extended and muscle. Hurrah!.


Cory/s "OVIEDO" Water tower made another flight, straight up, back down under chute this time bounced the landing.. Noa and Talin joined us for the first time and gave us several flights with their fresh rockets. Rich flew his Shuttle, F-18, and Blue Origin. Tom flew his Challenger memorial shuttle. Carl added to the semi scale line up with his MR-7, Door Knob, and Little Joe. Louis brought out his vintage fleet and wowed us with a lovely glider flight with his Transwing boost glider.


Great time. 55 flights total!


Welcome to all who came to watch and launch. We hope that you enjoyed your time. We look forward to seeing you in August! Keep on getting your rockets ready!